
Our conviction

The complementarity of physical and digital retail(phy-gital) is more than ever the issue of the moment. The old forecast of everything switching over to the internet is not as sure now in this post-confinement era, as people seek to consume in the open air and recover a sense of freedom.

In the difficult economic and social situation of our times, the retail sector has been thoroughly turned upside down over the past few years (‘gilets jaunes’ in 2018, national strikes in 2019, health crisis in 2020). And as a backdrop to this there have been more profound developments in the sector, which first started some years ago with changing consumer trends and the digital revolution. This situation is likely to accelerate changes to the sector, developments in consumer expectations and therefore a renewal of basic concepts. This is going to generate new investment opportunities.

Investment strategy

Our investment strategy is resolutely selective with an orientation toward prime locations for two asset classes that have shown their true resilience:

  • Ground floors: prime city centre location with a vast consumer-base that has a large purchase power
  • Retail Park: prime locations in strong retail parks with proven resilience, especially during periods of crisis

Beyond the intrinsic quality of these assets, the solidity of their leasehold situations and commercial environment projections provided by detailed statistics, the analysis of the solidity of high-street names is one of the principal investment criteria.

The team

Our teams include a high level of retail investment and asset management skills.

Julie Duvillier-Raoul Directeur Développement Institutionnel
Julie Duvillier-Raoul Corporate Finance & Institutional Development Director

Valérie Pares Head of Asset Management Retail

30 years of experience
Asset management team: 8 people

Our publications

Real estate convictions : 1st quarter 2024
  • Market review

Real estate convictions : 1st quarter 2024

27/05/2024 By Henry-Aurélien NATTER

For now, European real estate professionals have been cautious and are watching for the tipping point that could occur with the announcement of the first change in direction by the ECB.

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Real estate convictions : 1st quarter 2024
  • Market review

Real estate convictions : 1st quarter 2024

27/05/2024 By Henry-Aurélien NATTER

For now, European real estate professionals have been cautious and are watching for the tipping point that could occur with the announcement of the first change in direction by the ECB.

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Praemia REIM real estate convictions : 4th quarter 2023
  • Market review

Praemia REIM real estate convictions : 4th quarter 2023

20/02/2024 By Henry-Aurélien Natter

After a slow year in 2023, 2024 will be a year of many challenges: challenges that are at the same time democratic, geopolitical, economic and financial.

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