Infographic: who are SCPI aimed at?

SCPI are suitable for investors who would like to generate additional revenues, whatever their budget.

SCPI is an investment solution which is suited to a very broad public, whatever their budget or investment objectives.

SCPI: a real estate savings solution for most people

  • An investment available directly or via a life insurance policy
  • The fund manager takes care of everything: selecting the property, finding the tenant, rental management...
  • Rental risks are mutualized: geographic diversification, type of property, tenant profiles, etc.

SCPI: a real estate savings solution for all budgets

  • A few hundred euros are enough to subscribe to SCPI units
  • The purchase of SCPI units can be done in cash or on credit
  • You can invest on a one-time or regular basis
  • The income obtained can be reinvested in new subscriptions

SCPI: a real estate savings solution for all objectives

  • Obtain a potential regular complementary income
  • Build up a real estate portfolio regardless of your savings capacity
  • Diversify your investments in indirect real estate
  • Pass on capital to your loved ones


  • Investing in SCPI units involves risks, including the risk of capital loss.
  • The liquidity of SCPI units is not guaranteed by the management company.
  • The SCPI is exposed to real estate market risk, which may have a negative impact on the value of the assets held by the SCPI.
  • The potential income of the SCPI, which is mainly derived from the rents received, as well as the value of the units, may vary upwards or downwards and is not guaranteed.
  • Investment in SCPI units should be considered for the long term. The recommended investment period is 10 years. Before subscribing to any SCPI units, the investor must be given the information memorandum, the articles of association, the DIC, the subscription form, the latest information bulletin and the latest annual report. These documents are available from the management company.

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