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Our Assets
Praemia REIM France is one of the asset management companies of the European real estate platform Praemia REIM.
We manage and develop over the long term, on behalf of our investor clients, a real estate stock located in 11 European countries, composed of offices, healthcare and educational buildings, shops, residential buildings and hotels.
Our investment and asset management teams, specialised by real estate asset classes, have a perfect knowledge of their different markets of intervention, in France and in the Eurozone. Where necessary, they draw on local entities for sourcing of assets or for the technical management of the buildings.

Our buildings: living spaces for our tenants
We endeavour to develop a local and long-term relationship with the tenants of our buildings. We listen to them; we commit to a strategy of ongoing progress and dialogue aiming for operational excellence and their satisfaction.
We mainly invest in high-quality buildings, meeting the needs of our tenants in matters of environmental performance, efficiency of spaces and ease of use. We undertake programmes of maintenance and renovation of our stock which systematically integrate the issues of Health, Safety and the Environment (“HSE issues”).
With more than 100,000 people living, working, training or cared for in one of our buildings, we have a great deal of responsibility. We make the health, comfort and wellbeing of our occupants a priority in the design, construction and operation of the buildings, which become real living spaces.
Iconic properties
Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.
Key Figures
Our SRI approach
Praemia REIM has put in place a Socially Responsible Investment approach so as to systematically and traceably integrate environmental, social and governance criteria into its management policy.
Commercial buildings are among the leading producers of CO2. The necessary decarbonization of real estate invites us to put in place indicators and positive actions for the environment. At Praemia REIM France, we integrate ESG criteria in the selection and management of our investments. We believe that it is possible to combine the objective of an attractive return and the interests of sustainable development in a single asset strategy.
Commercial buildings are among the leading producers of CO2. The necessary decarbonization of real estate invites us to put in place indicators and positive actions for the environment. At Praemia REIM France, we integrate ESG criteria in the selection and management of our investments. We believe that it is possible to combine the objective of an attractive return and the interests of sustainable development in a single asset strategy.