Real estate convictions: Europe in the 2nd half of 2018

Between exhaustion and uncertainty. What’s the assessment of the real estate market in Europe?

Growth of the GDP in the Eurozone remained low at the end of 2018, and the latest indicators suggest a further fall in 2019. The customs duty increases decided by the United States and China are likely to have a further negative effect on business in early 2019..

Coming very close to technical recession, Germany has suffered from the introduction of new antipollution standards and the slowdown in the global car market. Italy is not spared, with the sovereign and financial risks encumbering domestic demand and the financial markets.

A messy withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union and a more pronounced slowdown of China are factors that could entail a deterioration to the current activity forecasts.

Henry-Aurélien Natter, Research Manager at Praemia REIM, reviews the various markets.

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Couvertures Convictions immobilières europe

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Daniel While
Henry-Aurélien Natter Head of Research

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