
ESG at the heart of our strategy


Only societal and environmental performance generates sustainable financial performance over the long term.

Since the creation of Praemia REIM France, we have built our responsible approach on our corporate values and have made it concrete in the investment policy of our funds. We want to give meaning to our clients' investments by offering them to invest in useful real estate funds that have a positive impact on the environment and society. At Praemia REIM France, we are convinced that combining meaning and performance is not only possible but absolutely necessary.

extra-financial ESG rating
of our investments are subject to an extra-financial ESG rating
responsible funds
of our assets under management are in responsible funds
article 9 SFDR
praemia REIM france funds intended for individuals are classified as article 9 SFDR Funds with a sustainable investment objective, a positive impact on social and environmental externalities
1 Source: Praemia REIM France at 31/12/2023

Our ESG policy translates into pragmatic solutions and a transparent and measurable application.
It operates on 3 levels:

A company that creates sustainable value

Sharing our values

We aim to create sustainable value for our customers, employees, tenants and society by implementing a non-financial strategy.

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A range of responsible funds

Ensuring sustainable performance

We make sense of our clients' investments by offering them the opportunity to invest in high-performance real estate funds that have a positive impact on the environment and society.

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A decarbonized real estate portfolio

Decarbonizing our real estate assets

We are deploying a "Net Zero Carbon" strategy for the year 2050 and a best-in-progress, proactive management approach with annual targets monitored for the year 2030.

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Clémence Verdickt

Investors' assets will only be truly sustainable if proactive action is taken on the environmental and social qualities of properties. Praemia REIM illustrates this new active management approach through its commitment to net-zero-carbon real estate assets and the creation of a complete range of SRI and impact funds.

Clémence Verdickt
Sustainable Development Manager of Praemia REIM

Decarbonizing office real estate

How do we do it?
By implementing a concrete action plan to fully decarbonize the real estate portfolio by 2050 and supporting tenants in the process.

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Getting involved in healthcare real estate

How do we do it?
Investing in the sector to meet specific financing needs for health infrastructure.

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Develop affordable residential real estate

How do we it ?
By forging key development partnerships with social landlords in tense areas, thus promoting inclusion and access to housing for the greatest number.

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Praemia REIM is a signatory of the principles for responsible investment

logo PRI ONU développement durable

Praemia REIM is a signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) charter as laid out by the Secretary General of the United Nations and which aims to assist investors in integrating environmental, social and governance considerations (ESG) in their investment decisions.

Praemia REIM subscribes to sustainable development objectives

logo ONU développement durable

Praemia REIM subscribes to the United Nations sustainable development objectives, especially those that aim to facilitate access to healthcare, sustainable cities and communities as well as in the fight against climate change: