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Cookies et autres traceurs

Last udapte le 28 novembre 2023


Cookies are text files that may be placed on your terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone) when you visit our website.

Cookies are used for various purposes, such as making it easier for you to navigate our various websites. They also enable us to offer you services in line with your interests or location and to collect browsing data for statistical analysis.

Cookies that are strictly necessary for the operation of our site do not require your consent, but you will be informed of their use.


Pursuant to the ePrivacy Directive and the French Data Protection Act, Internet users must be informed and give their consent before certain cookies are stored and read, while others do not require such consent.

The Personal Data Protection Regulation specifies that consent must be free, specific, informed and unambiguous, and that the user must be able to withdraw it at any time with the same ease with which he or she gave it.


Cookies that are not essential to the operation of the site are only placed on your terminal if you give your consent.

When you visit the site, a cookie management module informs you of the presence of cookies and invites you to indicate your preference. You can indicate your preference either globally for the site, or service by service. You can change your mind at any time by visiting our cookie management module.

>>Renew or change your consent to cookies

You will be asked to renew your consent at the end of the retention period set for each cookie placed on your terminal.


Our website uses several types of cookies:

  • Technical cookies or session cookies necessary for the proper operation and administration of the website, the proper execution of the services you use, the personalisation of the content offered to you and the retention of your consent to the deposit of cookies, etc. Since these technical cookies are required for the operation of our site, your consent is not required, but you can always block them by configuring your browser.


  • Third-party cookies (social networks)


  • Audience measurement cookies, which are strictly necessary for the proper operation of the site and enable us to collect additional data on the browsing of our website in order to measure its performance, generate statistical reports and help us improve the quality of our services and content.


If you have any questions about our use of cookies, you can contact our Data Protection Officer by e-mail at dpo@praemiareim.com ;or by post at the following address:

Praemia – DDP – 6 rue du Général Foy – CS 90130 – 75008 Paris.