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Primovie: a public interest SCPI

Sustainable investing can be possible. A number of placements plans exist for people who are looking for regular long-term revenues whilst also putting their savings into public interest sectors.

This is the case for the property investment solutions proposed by Praemia REIM, the leading property investment company. The SCPI Primovie has proven itself to be the market leader for investments in healthcare properties (retirement homes, care homes, MCO clinics, etc.) and education properties (kindergarten, schools, universities, etc.). Danel White, Praemia REIM’s Research and Strategy Director, and Yann Balay, Healthcare-Education investments manager, spoke to us about it.

As with any property investment, there is a risk of capital loss that may be caused by fluctuations in property markets and/or currency exchange rates. Revenues are not guaranteed, they may rise or fall depending on how the trust performs. An SCPI is a long-term investment with a recommended investment period of 10 years. Liquidity is limited, the management company cannot guarantee the resale of shares. As with any investment, past performances are not an indication of future performance.

Pour plus d'informations sur les SCPI, contactez-nous !

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