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  • News from SCPI Primovie on January 1, 2021

News of the SCPI Primovie on January 1st 2021

Discover Primovie, the benchmark SCPI that invests primarily in real estate assets related to the health and education sectors.

In the context of an unprecedented health and economic crisis, the year 2020 has demonstrated the ability of the SCPI Primovie to show resilience and to play its role as a safe haven. The performance management as well as the work done by the asset management teams to collect rents have strongly contributed to the achievement of the annual performance objectives we had set for the SCPI Primovie, which collected nearly 99% of the year's rents and posted a distribution rate* on the 2020 market value of 4.50%, including 0.20% of capital gains distribution.

As of January 1, 2021, the SCPI Primovie is :

  • 3.4 billion in capitalization  
  • 423 M€ of collections in 2020
  • 428 million in acquisitions in 2020, including the Urban Ivry VEFA building in Ivry-sur-Seine, an ophthalmology clinic in Germany and several senior residences in France and Germany
  • 93.2% financial occupancy rate**.
  • 30,915 associates

Les performances passées ne sont pas un indicateur fiable des performances futures. Les locataires actuels ne préjugent pas des locataires futurs. Les investissements réalisés ne préjugent pas des investissements futurs. L’investissement dans ce fonds comporte des risques, dont le risque de perte en capital.

* TDVM : The market value distribution rate is the division of the gross dividend before withholding tax paid in respect of year n (including exceptional interim dividends and the share of capital gains distributed) by the average purchase price of the unit in year n. **The financial occupancy rate expresses the share of rents, invoiced occupancy indemnities and rental compensation indemnities in the total billable rents, assuming that the SCPI's entire portfolio was rented. This rate is measured on the last business day of the past calendar quarter for the three months making up that quarter.

Source: Praemia REIM, 12/31/2020