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Financial scams: the right reflexes to adopt to avoid them

For several months, the financial sector has been facing an upsurge in fraud cases. Numerous actors in the savings sector and their employees are the targets of fraud and identity theft. In this context, duped investors are often the first victims. Here are some tips to help you identify a fraud.

How do fraudsters do it?


Warning: Identity thieves pretend to be employees of Praemia REIM and use the names of several entities, including Praemia REIM France, to try to get individuals to subscribe to false financial investments. To do this, they send victims false commercial brochures imitating those of Praemia REIM. These usurpers also use fraudulent domain names for their emails which do not belong to us and which are likely to create great confusion in the public mind.

Here are our official addresses:

  • firstname.lastname@praemiareim.com
  • xxx@email.praemiareim.com

Some examples of addresses used by the impersonators that we were able to identify:

  • xxx@reim-praemia.fr
  • xxx@praemia-group.com
  • xxx@primo-group.com

How to verify the identity of your contact?


When you are offered to invest in a financial product or security, your contact may be an investment firm, a financial investment advisor, a bank, an insurer, a management company or a participatory investment advisor. These people or companies must all be approved or authorized in France. This is therefore one of the first checks to be made. To help you, here are the main means of verification:

The REGAFI directory: Any company that offers you investment services, in France or abroad, must be registered as an "Investment Services Provider" with the Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution (ACPR) and listed in the REGAFI directory.

The ORIAS register: Any person presenting himself as a financial investment advisor must be registered in the unique register held by the ORIAS (Organisme pour le registre des intermédiaires en assurance), which lists all insurance, banking and financial intermediaries authorized to provide advice on insurance contracts, banking operations, particularly credit, payment services and financial instruments.

The identity of your contact person: Any person who carries out canvassing must imperatively communicate to the person canvassed their identity as well as the information of the company for which they are acting. This information can be directly requested afterwards for control, from the company in question in order to confirm:

  • The identity of your contact personr
  • Its capacity to act on behalf of the company

How to protect yourself?

Recognise the cluster of clues: unknown contact person, promise of particularly high returns, lack of risk, urgency of the decision, transfer to be made to a foreign bank account. 

More broadly, here are some tips on how to invest with confidence:

  • Take time to reflect.
  • Make sure that the proposed investment matches your needs and financial capacity. Read the written documentation provided to you to understand how the product works and its features.
  • Beware of overly attractive offers of guaranteed returns on investments reserved for a select few. There is no such thing as a miracle investment; every investment has its risks.
  • Ask questions and find out about the company, products etc. Be wary if the person you are talking to avoids answering them.
  • VVisit the company's website (www.praemiareim.fr / www.praemiareim.com) by your own means, without following the links sent by your contact person.
  • Make sure the proposed product actually exists (via www.infogreffe.fr or the Autorité des Marchés Financiers website).
  • Check the qualifications and approvals of your contact person by checking the regulator's website.
  • Do not give out your bank details.
  • On a daily basis, limit the dissemination of personal information (social networks, websites).
  • Be wary of any unusual request and listen to your intuition: if a request seems suspicious, it probably is.
  • Check the legitimacy of a request for information or an investment proposal that seems suspicious to you by making a reverse call to a number already listed in the name of the company that claims to be offering the investment.
  • Do you have any doubts? Contact Praemia REIM France's customer service by telephone on +33 (0)1 44 21 73 93, or by e-mail: serviceclients@praemiareim.com​​​​​​​
  • Please note that Praemia REIM France will never ask you to transfer your subscription (or any other payment) to a RIB or IBAN of an account located abroad.

Consult the website of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers

You will find :

  • Tips and videos to help you spot scams and avoid them
  • Up-to-date information on financial scams (current schemes, testimonials)
  • Warnings and updated blacklist of unauthorised companies and sites

Consult the prevention guide against scams


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