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Letter from Stéphanie Lacroix:
SRI at Praemia REIM France

Juin 2022

Stéphanie Lacroix The pandemic linked to the coronavirus has shown how urgent it is to seize the challenges linked to sustainable development. The health crisis, of unprecedented scope, has brought environmental, social and societal concerns to the forefront.

Socially responsible investment (SRI), by aiming to improve the extra-financial performance of assets, has become a must for real estate fund managers he real estate sector generates 25% of national CO2 emissions1. The need for social infrastructure (clinics, EHPAD, etc.) is growing as the ageing of the population accelerates2.

A pioneer in socially useful investments, Praemia REIM France has been interested in healthcare and education real estate since 2012. Through its SCPI Primovie, Praemia REIM France was the first management company to offer households the opportunity to direct their savings towards these sectors in order to meet the specific financing needs of health and education infrastructures. Praemia REIM France has also made it a priority to improve the environmental performance of its office property portfolio. To meet this strategic challenge, Praemia REIM France has developed a specific approach to reduce CO2 emissions from its office property portfolio and to better manage resources (energy, water, waste, etc.). This approach has been implemented in Primopierre, a benchmark SCPI that invests mainly in office property.

In 2020, a decisive step was taken with the implementation of the the real estate SRI label. In the pursuit of this responsible approach, Praemia REIM France was naturally among the first to obtain the SRI label for the SCPI Primopierre and the OPCI Praemia REIM SRI, and has continued this labeling process with the SPCI Primovie.

For 10 years, we have been convinced that a responsible approach rhymes with sustainable performance. Today, we want to go even further. Accelerating the implementation of our ESG approach across our portfolio is at the heart of our strategy for the years to come.

In this context, Praemia REIM France, a major player in real estate savings, has set itself the mission of informing its clients, institutional investors and savers, as well as the general public.  Driven by a desire to educate, we have written a guide to socially responsible investment (SRI) n which we present SRI and its specificities in order to familiarize as many people as possible with its challenges.

We hope to encourage everyone's involvement in order to contribute to building a more sustainable society together.

Stéphanie Lacroix, Managing Director of Praemia REIM France

1Ministry of Ecological Transition, "Energy in Buildings," May 11, 2021
2Praemia REIM, "Social Infrastructures. A new territory for real estate investment in Europe", June 2020