179 CDG
A fully renovated building with a unique architectural identity in keeping with the spirit of Neuilly
Delivered in the 2nd half of 2020, this property complex will have a strategic localisation on the strategic route of Paris-Neuilly-La Défense to Neuilly: Top city in France in terms of job creation, 2nd most dynamic city in France
It will offer large volumes (double-height hall, open-plan storeys), with quality materials (ceiling in lacquered glass and stainless steel, natural stone covering the floor), office floors: 80% of offices with natural lighting.
The building will be notably composed of an internal street, the Agora, intended to accommodate multiple activities: a restaurant, reception, pop-up deli and alternative working areas.
It will have 7 accessible terraces, 1,120 m2 external space and 180 m2 rooftop on the 10th floor, and will hold the highest environmental certifications: HQE sustainable building level Excellent, Wired Score Gold, BREAM level Excellent.
L’immeuble sera notamment composé d’une rue intérieure, l’Agora, destinée à accueillir de multiples activités, un restaurant, une conciergerie, une bulle traiteur et des espaces alternatifs de travail.
Il détiendra 7 terrasses accessibles, 1 120 m2 d’espaces extérieures et 180 m2 de rooftop au 10e étage et fera l’objet des plus hautes certifications environnementales : HQE bâtiment durable niveau excellent, Wired Score Gold, BREAM niveau Excellent.
- Address : 179 Avenue Charles de Gaulle, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine
- Year of acquisition : 2018
- Total area : 7,500 m2
- Certifications & labels : HQE sustainable building level Excellent, Wired Score Gold, BREAM level Excellent
- Architect : Silvio PETRACCONE & Michel VODAR architects

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