Over 80 in 21st century Europe

What are we expecting and which property investments for tomorrow?

The increase in the average age of the population is affecting all European countries. On 1 January 2018, the population of the European Union was 510 million.

Between 2015 and 2050, the European population of over 80s, the “4th age” as it is referred to in France, will increase from 27 million to 59 million, an increase of 32 million. 5% of the population were over the age of 80 in 2015, this will increase to 11% by 2050. The age-group pyramid is therefore going to change completely, leaving a far older demographic structure.

Progress in healthcare and better living conditions are likely to increase life expectancy leading to an increase in the average age of the population that will become an irreversible trend.

As the population gets older, the number of dependent aged people is clearly going to increase too. Consequently, this loss of autonomy must be met with suitable support and/or care.

After the age of 80, dependence becomes more common, reaching a critical threshold around the age of 85. More complicated dependencies (psychological and physical) are increasingly common. This is largely due to the development and more effective diagnostic of neurodegenerative conditions.

Considering the challenges raised by the ageing of the European population, questions concerning age such as improving care for pensioners and providing a suitable and adapted housing offer have never seemed so important. In order to get a better understanding of how the aged see themselves as they reach the age of 80 and beyond, Praemia REIM has commissioned BVA Opinion to complete a survey of 4,000 aged individuals in 4 major Euro Zone countries (France, Germany, Spain and Italy). 01 / 04

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Daniel While
Henry-Aurélien Natter Head of Research

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