The Guide to SRI in Real Estate

All you need to know about socially responsible investment applied to real estate

What is socially responsible investment (SRI), and more specifically SRI applied to real estate?

Praemia REIM France, a major player in real estate savings, has set itself the mission of informing its clients, savers and institutional investors, as well as the general public. Driven by a desire to educate, we present, through this guide, the SRI and its specificities in order to familiarize as many people as possible with its issues.

guide to SRI in real estate

What will you find in this guide to real estate SRI?

  • What is Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)?
  • SRI in the real estate sector
  • The real estate SRI label
  • The benefits and risks of SRI for investors
  • Praemia REIM France, a responsible investor
  • Praemia REIM France's SRI-labeled funds
  • The SRI interview with Daniel While, Director of Research, Strategy and Sustainable Development at Praemia REIM

Stéphanie Lacroix

For 10 years, we have been convinced that a responsible approach rhymes with sustainable performance. Today, we want to go even further. The acceleration of the implementation of our ESG approach on all our assets is at the heart of our strategy for the years to come.

Stéphanie Lacroix
Managing Director of Praemia REIM France